Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Boss


(Don't you dare piss off the boss.)

Yesterday, I woke up at 8 a.m. and drank a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty shit. A man in his 30s went to Jeju Island for a short vacation. It’s the most famous holiday spot in all of Korea. On the plane ride home, he decided to open the aircraft door during the descent. The plane was still 800 feet in the air when he did this. Needless to say, everyone on board went nuts. In fact, eight of them needed to be hospitalized due to sheer fright. The guy said he did it because he wanted to be the first one to disembark upon landing. He’s currently in police custody for his crime.

I ate hash browns for breakfast as I browsed my Twitter feed. The former front man for Pink Floyd is an old English pain in the ass named Roger Waters. He recently gave a concert in Germany and came out on the stage dressed in a military uniform. He was also sporting a toy machinegun. Mr. Waters is now being questioned by the police for giving a pro-Nazi performance. The whole situation is utterly ridiculous. Roger might be an annoying geezer who is always pushing his wisdom down the throat of his fans. But he’s definitely not a supporter of Hitler. Then what’s his actual crime? Well, he’s against the war in the Ukraine, and this is rubbing the powers-that-be the wrong way. So they’re flexing their muscles to show him what happens if you criticize the boss.

I called my mother using Facebook Messenger.

She said, “Nurse Ken quit his job.”

I sighed heavily. “How does he plan on paying his car note?”

“I’m going to float him until he gets another gig.”

“When will that be?”

“Jobs are falling off the trees over here.”

“Did he give his two-week notice?”

Mom shook her head. “The owner didn’t want it. She simply told him to leave his key. That woman is a real cold-hearted bitch.”

“He’d been working there for years. What the fuck happened?”

“It’s not a huge deal. So don’t act like the sky is falling.”

I nodded. “True. But it just seemed very convenient. The store was so close to your house.”

“Well, what’s done is done.”

I changed the subject. “Has he said anything else about his HESI Exam?”

“We discussed it briefly. He gets the results on Tuesday, and he’ll apply for the nursing program as soon as the results are official. If he gets rejected, then he’s going to get a degree in something else. He already has two years of college under his belt, so it shouldn’t take too long for the bachelor’s.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

The Dragon Lady and Rice-Boy Larry went to Costco later that morning. Therefore, I was free to play with the dog and watch TV. The Yankees got their asses kicked again. They’re now in the midst of a three-game losing streak. Nevertheless, I remain a huge fan of baseball, and I’m all about the pinstripes. Watching the sport keeps my blood pressure down.

In the evening, I viewed a movie called Midsommar. I’ve seen it a million times, yet it never fails to capture my complete attention. The director is named Ari Aster, and he’s a film-making genius. He’s also the guy who wrote and directed Hereditary. Both movies come with my highest recommendation. But be careful. They’re the stuff of nightmares.

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  1. I suggest Woman in the Window and Scarlet Street if you get a chance. Both free on YT. Both about 87 min

  2. People ARE criticizing Waters' stance on the Ukraine, it is true. However, those views are not what sparked this criminal investigation in Germany.

    It is the Jews who are whining about Roger Waters and his stage show---- a show Pink Floyd has been putting on since 1980. One assumes that millions of copies of the film version of The Wall have been sold and disseminated. Rogers himself has presented this concert hundreds and hundreds of times. Waters did The Wall in Berlin in 1990, to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall. That was heralded as a fearless blow for glorious freedom and stout democracy.

    In 43 years, nobody has ever made the ridiculous assertion that Roger Waters is a fascist or a dangerous ideologue. Until now. Now suddenly the Jews over in Israel are having fainting fits as they collapse under the weight of their very serious, very sincere, very real moral outrage regarding Roger Waters and his alleged ' nudge, nudge,wink, wink' support for Adolph Hitler. Oh vey! Its annudah Shoah! Muh Ann Frank, uncle Schlomo!

    From The Washington Post:

    You will notice THE JERUSALEM POST is being cited. The article also cites Waters' REAL crime:

    "Waters, 79, has become notorious for making controversial remarks, infamously comparing the State of Israel to the Nazis over their treatment of the Palestinians during various press interviews"

    Infamous and notorious to whom, the astute reader asks? Infamous to the perpetrators of the land theft and open air imprisonment of the Palestinians, goy. That is, notorious to whining Jews who don't like their deeds pulled into the light.

    These Jews just lie and lie. The average American morphodite, his brain turned to mush by a steady stream of TV garbage ( and who controls Hollywood again?), will be unaware that Roger Waters has been staging The Wall for 43 years, and the story is subtly, deceitful presented as though this is a new event, something that just happened, A new phenomenon by that crazy Nazi, Roger Waters. Because the Jews know the deception will delude 99% of the idiots who hear or read about it.

    These lying snakes just make an honest man puke.

    Don't you DARE say Jews control anything, or have inordinate power, or that we are occupied! Otherwise you'll be destroyed by any means necessary.

    Looks like Roger Waters is about to learn who his masters are the hard way.

    Why is Germany, an independent nation, launching criminal investigation over a 43 year old rock concert that has been presented in Germany 20 + times because Jews in Jerusalem are whining about it?

    Who did you say was in charge again?

    1. You are battling at windmills. The remnant has returned. It was ordained by God.

  3. "So they’re flexing their muscles to show him what happens if you criticize the boss"

    You're correct, Jack. We are all being shown the exact identity of the boss, too.

    1. Who is the boss? Globalists, environmentalists, feminists, etc. It's all about the Great Reset.
