Tuesday, March 7, 2023

My Horror Novel Is Now Free!

(I want to be a paperback writer.)

Good citizens of Metropolis! It's me, your fearless leader. Please be a sweetheart and read my horror novel. It's over four hundred pages of filth and fun. Plus the Kindle version is only .99 cents. I'm not doing it for the money. I only make .33 cents per each copy sold. Here's the link.

And there's more good news. You can also read the book for free over at Wattpad. Please leave a comment or two at the site. It helps juice the algorithms. Don't be a motherfucker. Help a poor boy out. Here's the link.

Thanks and have a wonderful day. Maybe God's peace be upon you. Sincerely. 


  1. Bought and downloaded! I hope the thing sells like hotcakes.

    1. Thanks. Leave a comment...even it's bad.

    2. Pretty sure the only other place I've encountered the word Chemosh was in Paradise Lost. I hope Mamma J gets a real face punching before this is over.

    3. Your comments and posts make me laugh how you talk about your novel. Reminds me of Animal House - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnufJs-Z6YM Regardless, looks interesting. I'll buy this puppy and report back to you. Sounds like after I buy it you won't know where to spend all your money. I found your blog off Zerohedge.com last night when I couldn't sleep and did a bit of reading. Dragon Lady... LOL!

    4. Thanks for the kind words. Don't expect too much. I'm a man of limited talents.

    5. We will see, but I'm happy to report back after I purchase tomorrow. I'm currently writing code in front of 3 monitors, cause that's my life. On one of the monitors I have Animal house rolling and Professor Jennings reminds me of you. Nothing on this earth more refreshing than honesty. I just picture you teaching and this is you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ciw1os85nz0

    6. I read Milton back in the day. I remember enjoying his stuff. I'm also a huge fan of Animal House.

  2. Fuck for 33 cents I almost feel bad buying it, you're better off not even wasting the time

  3. If you decide to accept BTC I'll buy a copy (as a pdf or text) that you could email me. If so, perhaps you can publish your "Public Key" here at your site. I don't trust Amazon or banks.

    1. I'm not that advanced in my thinking. But I appreciate the sentiment.

  4. Does the thought ever cross your mind to have one of the Yellowstone guys take your wife to the bus station?

    1. No. It's much easier just to get a divorce or run away.
