Saturday, September 2, 2023


It's Saturday, and I can't be bothered writing. So I uploaded a video about the famous movie The Shining instead. But have no fear. I shall return soon with more stories about my less-than-perfect life. God bless.


  1. I think Stanley Kubrick was an occultist / Mystery Religion initiate. Although I never saw this Baphomet "As Above, So Below" gesture in The Shining pointed out before, it does not surprise me in the least. The Shining is one of those movies (like The Exorcist) in which the viewer (i.e. Me) feels an oppressive spirit of genuine darkness while watching it. (Event Horizon also springs to mind here, as does the original The Wicker Man, possibly the most overtly Satanic film ever made by someone that wasn't Kenneth Anger).

    Eyes Wide Shut is straight up occult ritual put on screen. It isn't an elaborate Hollywood set piece, or a deliberately surreal fever dream a la David Lynch --what you are being shown is genuine ritual sex magick as practiced by our owners. The fact that Kubrick's death coincided so closely to the release of the film can be dismissed as coincidence, of course.

    In fact, they are cynically certain the 'profane' will do exactly that; it is THEIR eyes that are 'wide shut', after all, uneasily rationalizing and explaining away what their masters are grinding into their faces in Dolby stereo and glaring Technicolor. They titter nervously as they rush to deny any possibility that the people who make such movies are simply looking to make money.

    How they must laugh at us!

    People are free to continue to believe this is all just harmless, artistic entertainment. Or they can pry their wide open eyes OPEN and accept the glaringly obvious.

    1. I feel guilty. I love all those movies that are in your list.
