Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Dog Meat


(Koreans still eat dogs.)

Yesterday, I woke up at 6 a.m. and drank a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty shit. Lots of Koreans still eat dogs, and they prefer to consume their canine meat during the hot days of July and August. Supposedly, digesting Fido’s cadaver is conducive to lowering one’s body temperature. But the practice has become quite controversial in modern times because lots of folk in these parts now have pets. And this newly found love for animals is threatening to put dog farmers out of business. Protestors on both sides of the issue have taken to the streets of Seoul to voice their opinions.

I ate hash browns for breakfast as I surfed the internet. A woman named Leslie Van Houten was very pretty back in the day. In fact, one could have even called her a hot piece of ass. And when she was nineteen, she followed an anti-Christ named Charles Manson and willingly became his sex slave. She also committed murder for Charlie, stabbing a lady named Rosemary LaBianca with a butcher knife no less than six times. For her outrageous crime, Ms. Van Houten was given a life sentence. Yet have no fear. Gavin Newsome, the libtard governor of California, has agreed to release this reprobate onto the streets of San Francisco. And I’m not the least bit surprised. After all, Gavin hates God just as fervently as Mr. Manson…if not more.

I phoned my mother using Facebook Messenger.

She said, “How’s your crazy wife?”

I shrugged. “I don’t want to talk about her.”


“Because she dominates every conversation we have with her bad behavior.” I paused for dramatic effect. “If she stays, she stays. And if she goes, she goes. I don’t give a fuck one way or the other.”

“That’s probably the right way to look at it.”

I said, “How’s Ken doing?”

“Well, he finally made it to Colorado. But I don’t want to call him too often. He might think that I’m interfering in his life.”

“I’m simply worried that him and his goofy friends will do something stupid. Did they bring guns on the trip?”

“I don’t think so.”

I shook my head in disappointment. “See, that’s what I’m talking about. They’re alone in the wilderness with no protection. Suppose they run into a grizzly bear? They won’t be able to protect themselves.”

“Do grizzlies live in the desert?”

“I have no fucking idea. Yet bad things are out there. Have you ever seen that movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?”

“No. I never got the chance.”

“Well, it’s about a group of kids who are Ken’s age, and they meet up with a psychopath who kills them all with a chainsaw.”

“That sounds horrible.”

I nodded in agreement. “He butchers the children in every conceivable way in order to consume their flesh.”

“Don’t let your imagination get the better of you. I’m sure that your boy will be right as rain.”

And I agree with her. The odds are definitely in Ken’s favor. However, this is a fallen world filled with many types of twisted perverts and predators. So you have to be careful at all times because some sicko might walk up right behind you to cut off your prick with a pair of garden shears. Don't laugh. Stranger things have happened.

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  1. It occurs to me that a good man is like a good dog. He just wants to be loved, appreciated and respected. In order for that to happen, he must be lovable, do things and be respectable. If you’ve got that covered and it’s still not working, you are among the 76.74% of human males captured by a neurotic narcissistic vagodragon.
    Ken’s greatest danger is sunburn (sunscreen is not your friend, just wear a hat and shirt at noon, dumbass). And drink a little water in between beers.
    Garden shears? Machete maybe but c’mon, how would that even work?

    1. I've often thought of myself as a dog. Maybe a husky pulling a heavy sled.

    2. When there are children, you just put your head down and pull. It’s not about you anymore. Which is not to say you can’t look for a bump or two and hope the bitch with the whip falls off.

    3. True. Very true. You are a wise man, Glass-Hoppah.

  2. The Manson case is extremely interesting in that Manson died in prison but never actually killed anyone. And certainly there have been far more horrific crimes; consider The Toy Box Killer or The Knoxville Horror. Very few people could name the perpetrators of these sickening murders, but EVERYBODY knows the name Manson.

    And again, the State never even claimed that Manson murdered anybody. Manson was present at the murder of Shorty Shea, but even the DA did not claim that he actively participated. That was as close as Manson ever got to any of the actual crimes- sitting in the car and egging on the murderers of Shea.

    So the argument was that Manson was guilty of these crimes because he told other people to do it, and then they did it. The same people will jeer and scoff at people who bring up MK Ultra, dismissing that (well documented) program as wild eyed conspiracy lunacy. Either a mind can be broken down and re-programmed to carry out evil, or Manson was innocently in jail.

    So which is it, Mr. Media Gatekeeper?

    Manson and his crew were very much an engineered piece of media-facillitated mind control and mass programming. His name is synonymous with Wicked Evil Satanic Crazy because that is how people have had it presented to them, and they jump right onboard and repeat what they have been told. Obviously I do not condone murder, and obviously I want these people punished. But the mechanics of it all are still worth thinking about; how everybody can be stampeded like lemmings to adopt opinions they have never thought over for as long as 2 seconds. Parroting received wisdom like "Oh, that Manson was pure evil!" is mistaken for virtue arising from within the parrot. It is a peg upon which people hang their Public Faces, a shorthand code for "Look, mommy, what a good boy am I!"

    Let Van Houten out. Let them all out. They've been in prison for 53 years; they're in their 70s now, broken down, feeble old relics who pose no threat to anyone. I doubt they even WANT out at this point.

    Imagine trying to navigate the world of 2023 after being in a cage since the time when America was still 95% white; a time before cell phones, GPS, ATMs, drug tests for employment; a time when an enormous candy bar still cost a nickel and you could buy an American muscle car for 200 bucks

    Throwing these people out into the street is the cruelest possible thing you could ever do to them.

    1. Dennis from the Beach Boys saw "Charlie" mow a man down on his property with an M-16. Manson was a terrible guy, and his crew belongs in prison. Some crimes are so heinous that the perpetrators should never be let out.

    2. "Dennis from the Beach Boys saw "Charlie" mow a man down on his property with an M-16."

      I have several lifelong areas of fascination: Jim Jones and The People's Temple, Scientology, North Korea....topics that continuously hold my interest. Charles Manson is one of these topics.

      I've read a lot of books on the Manson murders over the years, starting with Helter Skelter. These books range from heavily sourced , well documented investigations to the most wild eyed, lurid fantasies, titillating fables meant to sell books to the credulous. One author claims Charlie once levitated a broken down bus on the Spahn ranch using only his mystical mind powers. Do you believe that? I don't.

      The only thing Dennis Wilson got from Charlie Manson was the clap. Wilson was only too eager to consort with Charlie's girls, so THAT wasn't Manson's fault either. Lie down with dogs and get up with fleas etc.etc.

      I don't recall ever coming across the M-16 story before, but if it is true there would be evidence. The State of California spent months and millions of dollars prosecuting him for murder; did they just not bother to follow up on the guy Manson murdered with an M-16? Would such a tidbit have no bearing on the matters at hand?

      I do not believe this assertion about the M-16.

      Again, I'm not saying Charlie was a good guy. ( Also, none of what I said was aimed at you personally. I often 'think out loud' in writing simply to communicate my own logic chains to other people). Charles Manson was a small time, two bit hoodlum I wouldn't ever want for a neighbor.

      But he spent his life in jail for murders he did not commit. The State doesn't even claim he committed them. They portray him as some kind of Merlin the Magician who cast his spell over hapless hippies and used them as instruments to kill FOR him.

      Even if Manson DID have influence on these burnouts, he did not murder anyone. So he may be an accessory, or whatever lesser charge attaches to such influence. But he didn't actually kill anybody.

      I'm not attempting to exonerate or glorify Charles Manson. What I want you to notice is how the media has turned this minor nobody into the Avatar of All Evil, and that when you stop and think it over, Manson was small potatoes compared to many other crimes carried out in this godless country.

      Why doesn't anybody know the names of the criminals responsible for the Knoxville Horror? In my opinion, what happened to Newsome and Christian is infinitely worse than anything the Manson Family did. The Tate-LaBianca victims died quick and relatively clean.

      Why doesn't anybody know the name of Lemaricus Davidson? Read this, if you have the stomach for it.

      What we are really talking about here is the media's ability to shape and mold perception and belief. People assimilate what they are told without ever really thinking it over for themselves. This is a big deal for obvious reasons.

      I encourage people to look closely at what they "know", and examine just how they came to those conclusions.

    3. The story about "Charlie" comes straight from the mouths of Mike Love and Terry Melcher.

  3. Agree with you PSJ. Your comment about why we act based on the information we get from the media touches on the nature of the brainwashing we all go through.
    A book on so-called conspiracy theories was published a while back. Reading it takes you down a dark road.

    1. "Charlie" was a monster. He was just another asshole pretending to be Jesus.
