Sunday, May 14, 2023

Homosexual Rights


(Koreans are free to fornicate with whomever they want.)

Yesterday, I woke up at 8 a.m. and drank a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty shit. The Korea Times featured an op-ed by a foreign professor named Dr. David A. Tizzard. He teaches classes at Seoul Women’s University. Anyway, Dr. Tizzard is a big supporter of the LGBTQ community and is aghast that the Queer Festival in the capital city has been canceled. He says that foreigners should rally in support of their homosexual brothers and sisters to show solidarity for human rights.

But I’ve lived on the peninsula for many years, and I’ve never seen a single gay person subjected to cruelty by the government. Yet don’t be mistaken. The real issue isn’t about Big Brother. It comes down to culture. This is a socially conservative nation, so naturally homosexuals who choose to stay in the closet are deeply appreciated by the citizens. With that said, nobody is peeking into anyone’s bedroom window. The ROK isn’t Iran. Koreans remain free to fuck whomever they want.

I ate hash browns for breakfast as I watched the news on YouTube. Daniel Penny was formally charged with 2nd degree manslaughter by the New York City Police Department. He’s the guy who choked Jordan Neely on the subway. Jordan had been arrested forty times prior to this horrible incident. Those crimes included kidnapping a seven-year-old girl and breaking the face of an old lady. He was threatening to kill people on the train when Mr. Penny took him down. Neely's death was accidental. I don’t understand this case at all. I guess law-abiding citizens are just supposed to sit and take their abuse like good little sheep.

I called my mother using Facebook Messenger.

She said, “Is it Saturday over there?”

I nodded. “Yes. Saturday morning.”

“How are you doing?”

“Not too well. I caught another cold from the students.”

“Is it serious?”

“Not really. I have a scratchy throat and my head is filled with snot. I can’t stop blowing my nose.”

“That’s miserable.”

“Yes, but this too shall pass.”

“Well, at least you have a good attitude. Your sister never stops bitching when she’s ill.”

I changed the subject. “I saw Bobby Kennedy Junior on the Megyn Kelly Show.”

“Christ, not another Kennedy. I hope you aren’t planning on voting for him.”

I shook my head. “I haven’t voted since 2008, and I don’t plan on starting now. Anyway, Bobby told Megyn that the Russians have killed over 300,000 Ukrainian troops. I couldn’t believe my ears.”

She sighed heavily. “That’s a lot of dead people. But what can you do about it?”

“Not a damn thing.”

“That’s right. So you need to just put it out of your head. You tend to be obsessive about certain topics.”

And mom’s a thousand percent correct. I have a hard time letting go of things. In the distant past, I used to handle stress by getting drunk and smoking cigarettes. But sadly I’m too old for that kind of crap. I can’t even drink a couple of beers these days. I wake up feeling like a sack of shit.

Later in the morning, Rice-Boy Larry hit me up for money.

I said, “What do you need it for?”

He said, “I’m going to catch a bus to school and hang out with my friends.”

“School on a Saturday?”

He shrugged. “What can I say? We live in Korea.”

“That’s true. None of you maniacs ever take a break.”

I reached into my wallet and handed him a few bucks. But the cash came with a word of warning.

I said, “Son, I’m not a rich man.”

He said, “I know.”

“You can’t use me as a bank machine, or we’ll be collecting our free bag of rice from the government.”


I waved goodbye as he left the apartment.

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  1. RFK Jr might cause some pretty big uproars. He's against everything the establishment is for. I don't agree w/ a lot of his solutions but he's at least calling out the big problems. I'm happy he's in the race and hope he puts up a good fight!

    1. It's a moot point. He'll never get the minority vote. They are behind Biden all the way.

    2. Agreed. I think he gets people out of their echo chambers. At least adds an extra echo. Tucker Carlson has done that. I think he's a propaganda arm of the RNC or corporate (same thing?) but he says just enough to get people thinking a little. I think RFK Jr can do the same.

    3. Hi, Dave. I don't think Tucker or RFK Jr. is a tool of the government. But what do I know?

  2. "The death was accidental. I don’t understand this case at all. I guess law-abiding citizens are just supposed to sit and take their abuse like good little sheep."

    It is Anarcho-Tyranny. What you are seeing is a weapon the Overlords will use to smash the world you grew up in and replace it with Orwell's Ingsoc.

    It is a hallmark of third world dictatorships. When laws are selectively enforced against a targeted group (in this case, white Americans who actually own the country) while politically favored groups and government shock troops/ goons are not prosecuted for serious crimes such as arson and murder, then you are very far down the road to a Bolshevik Red Terror that will kill tens of millions of innocents, just like Tsarist Russia and Maoist China.

    Bobby Kennedy Jr. is not going to do anything to change course even if he is 'elected', because the venal whores you see on your television are not actually in charge of Airstrip One.

    Jack, I like you. You amuse and entertain me, even though I suspect you disagree with most of what I say. But that's ok! I advise you, in all good faith, to stay in Korea. This landmass is heading for genuine horrors. Nobody will listen or hear until the millions are murdered in camps, in grubby basements, in open air ditches dug by the victims' own hands.

    100 years later, it will all be, "Oh! How could this have HAPPENED in a civilized country!??"

    It happened because of Normalcy Bias and the refusal to believe what is happening before your own eyes, that's how.

    Stay in Korea, my friend. And kick the scum like this Tavitts degenerate out; that guy is working to destroy your hist nation in a similar fashion. They are only there to stir up trouble and wreck any part of the world that still functions.

    1. But is there Waffle House in Korea?

    2. "Nobody will listen or hear until the millions are murdered in camps, in grubby basements, in open air ditches dug by the victims' own hands"

    3. Hi, Ben. No Waffle Houses in Korea.

    4. Hi, Nurse Park. Don't give up hope just yet. America is sitting on a sea of black gold. And don't forget our farmlands. We just have to start voting for the right types of people who will keep us out of foreign entanglements. But what do I know?

    5. I’m afraid it’s too late to “vote Harder” Jack……

    6. It's a democracy. People get to vote for whom they like. Trump's isn't going to beat Biden in 2024. It frustrates me, but what can you do?
