Thursday, May 11, 2023

Group Suicide


(Four dead people were found in Gwanju.)

Yesterday, I woke up at 6 a.m. and drank a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty dump. Four dead Koreans were found inside a rental car. The automobile was parked under an overpass in the city of Gwanju. The authorities believe that this was a group suicide and that the victims met each other over the internet. Three of the corpses were men in their 30s, and the other was a woman in her twenties. Suicide is a huge problem here on the peninsula. Lots of people decide to take their own lives when the shit hits the fan.

It's funny. But I also post my garbage over at Medium. And trust me. I don’t get a lot of traffic at the other platform. Yet a young lady named Melissa recently raked me over the coals for one of my former posts. She said that my thoughts were vapid because I didn’t give any useful advice on how to stop people from killing themselves. And she’s absolutely right. I’m clueless. All I can say is turn to Jesus Christ. He’s our only hope. Without him, we’re nothing but food for worms.

I ate hash browns for breakfast as I watched Fox News. Congress wrote a report detailing the financial crimes of Senile Joe and the rest of the Biden family. The clan has received millions upon millions of dollars from nations around the world trying to curry favor. It’s nothing more than a giant pay-for-play scheme. But I’m not going to start wearing burlap while I cover my head in ashes. Everybody knows that Joe is as corrupt as they come. And we also know that he’s a pervert who likes to sniff little girls. Yet Americans voted for him anyway. In the end, we all get the government we deserve.

The Dragon Lady suddenly barged into my room. She showed me the index finger on her right hand. It was red and swollen.

I said, “What’s the problem?”

“Rast night, you son bite me.”

“Last night? At what time?”


“Where was I?”

“You sweeping.”

I nodded. I try to shut it down at 10 p.m. on a regular basis. I’m one of those guys who really needs his rest. On top of that, I always sleep like the dead. So even if they were fighting like cats and dogs, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. It takes a hand grenade to wake me from my slumber.

I questioned Rice-Boy Larry.

“Mom claims that you bit her. Is that true?”


I sighed heavily. “Son, biting people isn’t nice. Why did you do it?”

“I was just joking around. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

The Dragon Lady said, “He rying! Rook at my fingah! I need da doctah.”

I said, “Apologize to your mother.”

He said, “Sorry, Mom.”

“Dat not good enough. I reave in da summah. You soon see. I not stay here.”

Biting your mother is never a good thing. And I certainly don’t condone such barbaric behavior. In the old days, my son would have been stoned outside the city gates for such a horrible act of disobedience. But the Dragon Lady has her own history of violence. Many years ago, she got into a shoving match with Nurse Ken. He was fifteen years old at the time. Anyway, she became so frustrated that she bit him on the chest, leaving a huge angry raspberry below his shoulder.

I’ve been married to my spouse for a quarter of a century, and it’s been like a prison sentence. However, I also realize that she’s a mental case and that many of her issues are probably the result of brain damage. So if she stays she stays, and if she goes she goes. I’m certainly not going to kick her out. She’s got nowhere else to stay.

(Did you like this post? Then read my novel for free. Click here.) 

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  1. I notice that you frequently enjoy hash browns.

    1. Hi, Ben. They are part of my diet. I've lost 45 pounds so far.

  2. our hearts and prairs go out to brazilian man david miranda who was the husband of esteem jurnalist aaron matay, but then he went ahead and died. and aaron matae helps to bring a conservative socialist viewpoint to the newsblogs. and they have a couple kids because men have the uteris and baby.

    1. Nice to hear from you again. Say hello to everybody in the asylum.

  3. Jack, just list the suicide prevention hotline # and tell Melissa to fuck off. On a side note, I bet a good dose of Cthulu or Godzilla would help raise morale on the continent! You could push what we do here, meth and stealing shit in the trailer parks or gun violence and stealing shit in the projects. Either seem to work for the lower classes!

    1. Hi, Dave. Melissa seems like a nice girl. I think that she's a young college student, and I don't want scar her with profanity. Cheers.

    2. I'm curious, got a link to Melissa town and your other posts?

    3. Also, this makes me think of Heaven's Gate. What was that dude's name, Marshall Applegate? Nichelle Nichol's brother was a member of the HG cult and died with the rest. ( Nichols was TV's Uhura on the original Star Trek).

      Is it me, or is that kind of darkly ironic?

    4. I publish this blog on Medium, too. Same username and everything. But I don't get much traffic.

    5. Suicide is a huge problem in Korea. People are knocking themselves off constantly.
