Monday, April 24, 2023

Soju and Onions

(I like living in Korea.)

Yesterday, I woke up at 8 a.m. and drank a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a shit. The Korean language is catching on in Vietnam. In fact, it’s being offered as an alternative to English and Chinese throughout the local high schools. This shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. K-pop and K-dramas are taking all of Asia by storm. When I lived in Beijing, many of the Chinese teachers were studying Korean in order to have a better understanding of the popular television shows. On top of that, some Vietnamese ladies are looking for Korean husbands in order to improve their standard of living.

I ate hash browns for breakfast as I watched Fox News. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is accusing Tucker Carlson of promoting violence in America. She claims that his rhetoric is so inflammatory that it might lead to the death of innocent people. Of course, Ms. Cortez is completely full of crap. Like many libtards, you have to agree with her completely or you’ll be accused of a hate crime. For instance, I’m one of those old-fashioned assholes who doesn’t want to worship at a church filled with transvestites. So according Alexandria and her buddies, I’m just a filthy criminal who should be severely punished. Same old story, same old song and dance.

The Dragon Lady walked into the room. “You walk to da church today?”

I nodded. “Yes. I need the exercise.”

“You must buy da onion and da soju.”

“Soju? Are you planning to get drunk tonight?”

She frowned. “Are you da idiot? Of course I not get dwunk. I need it for da cook.”

And she wasn’t lying. My wife always uses that hooch in her recipes.

I said, “How many bottles?”

“Onry one.”

“OK. Not a problem. Soju and onions. Got it.”

“And ba-nah-nah.”

“Bananas, too?”

“Yes. Gleen ba-nah-nah. It foh you runch.”

I’m still on my diet. I only eat a piece of fruit at noon. Then I wait till the evening for dinner.

Later that afternoon, I left the apartment with Rice-Boy Larry by my side. We struck up a conversation as we strolled along the streets of Seoul. By the way, stretching your legs in this concrete jungle is no easy feat. I’m always afraid that an impatient driver will mow me down one fateful day.

I looked at my boy. “Do you know how to set up a PayPal account?”

He shrugged. “I’ve never done it, but I’m sure it can’t be too hard.”

“Do you need a bank account for it to work?”

“I’m not sure. Let me look it up on Google.”  He stared at his phone for about a minute as he surfed the web. “No, it says here that a bank account is not required.”

“What about a Bitcoin wallet?”

“A what?”

“A Bitcoin wallet.”

“I don’t know a thing about Bitcoin. I’m not even sure how you spend it. However, it’s probably not too difficult to set it up. If they made it tough, then it would hurt their business. We’d all be too stupid to use their products.”

I smiled at him. “You’re absolutely right. I never thought of it that way.”

The sermon was pretty solid. Our pastor is currently discussing The Book of Isaiah. He still believes that Korea is going to hell in a handbasket, and he has all kinds of negative stats to prove his point. But I disagree. I actually enjoy living on the peninsula. It’s free of crime, and the healthcare system rocks. Is it paradise? Of course not. Yet a guy could do a lot worse. I’m just happy that I wasn’t born in Djibouti. Praise Jesus.

(Did you like this post? Then read my novel for free. Click here.)


  1. Hah! Send your pastor to DC for a week! He'll see what the path to hell looks like! Trannies in some neighborhoods, homeless in others, crazy liberal Karens in the next, and rabid carjackers roaming throughout! Then you'll find the criminals on L street, the White House, and Capitol!

    1. I agree completely. Koreans don't know how good they have it. But with that said, it's hard to get rich over here. You've got to be good or very lucky. One or the other.

  2. The app Skrill allows you to wire money for free. I use it a few times per year and it works great.

    1. Thanks for the tip. But I don't have enough users yet to make good money. I plan to wait until Google lets me start an ad campaign. Then I'll hit my users up for cash when that happens.

  3. It sounds like your pastor is trying to draw his flocks' attention to what I call The Presley Principle, or the Hippery Slope.

    Back in the 50s people were horrified by Elvis' obscene hip thrusting. The strenuous objections and concerns of those people are now the butt of many jokes. " What a bunch of fuddy-duddy maroons," scoff the modern day Hipster sages. "Imagine objecting to the innocence of Elvis!"

    People are so demoralized and blunted they cannot recognize their jaded, ugly assumptions. The kind of rot that topples civilizations doesn't just appear fully formed out of nowhere. It's the inevitable fruit of compromise as a guiding principle. The people who objected to Elvis were absolutely correct, and if they had nipped it in the bud in the 1950s we( nor our children) would not be marinating in the poisonous spiritual rot of " rap music" today.

    Korea is still a great place NOW, but give it another 50 years of people ignoring alarms and warning signs and it won't be.

    That's how I see it, but if experience is any guide nobody else will hear a word.

    "And so it goes." -Kurt Vonnegut

    1. Kurt Vonnegut is my favorite author. I stole his writing style. I shit you not.
