Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Atlantic Monthly

(Oliver Wendell Holmes would be rolling in his grave.)

Yesterday, I taught a poem called Old Ironsides to my high school class. It was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes back in the day. It’s about a ship that was used in the War of 1812, and to Holmes’s chagrin, Uncle Sam wants to tear it to pieces and sell the vessel for scraps. Holmes argues for its restoration and says that it would be more patriotic to sink the fucking thing rather than breaking it to bits.

I said, “Oliver was everything you kids want to be.”

One girl said, “That’s not true. He lived more than a hundred years ago.”

I shot her an arrogant smile. “He went to Harvard. He became a medical doctor. He started a successful magazine called The Atlantic Monthly. And it’s still in publication today.”

She nodded in agreement. “Maybe you’re right. I would love to go to Harvard.”

I pointed in her direction to lend gravity to my words. “On the dark side, his magazine is now staffed by loons. They tear down statues. They burn down cites. And they celebrate war pimps. Even guys like Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson aren’t safe from their wrath. Poor Oliver would be rolling in his grave if he saw it today.”

She said, “Why are Americans destroying their heritage?”

I shook my head from side to side. “I haven’t the foggiest clue. We seem to be going through a type of cultural revolution that infected the Chinese back in the days of Mao. We might not even survive.”

One of the boys decided to pipe in with his two cents. “You’re a conservative Trumper!”

I lifted my hands in a sign of surrender. “I’m not a conservative, and I haven’t voted since 2008. But yes. I do appreciate Orange Donald’s style. He was an effective leader.”

Yet this didn’t stop him from giving me the evil eye. “You’re the type of person who was storming the Capitol on January sixth. You’re old and white, and your ideas are stale.”

I didn’t respond to his insults. I’m past the point of caring anymore. After years of teaching, these minor skirmishes roll off my back like water from a duck’s ass. In fact, I enjoy the feisty children more than the ones who obey all the time and agree with my every word. Perhaps I’m a sick son of a bitch, but the conflict can be rather exciting.

I eventually got home at 6 p.m. and vacuumed my floors. It had been four days since the last cleaning, so it felt good to get it out of the way. Then I sat on the sofa and drank a large can of beer. The alcohol always helps to take the edge off.

Rice-Boy Larry called me. “I’m eating dinner with my friends.”

“What time will you return?”

“Probably around eight.”

I sighed heavily. “I never see you anymore.”

“Do you need me at the apartment?”

“Not really. But could you help me order bacon and deodorant from Coupang when you get back home? It would be a huge help.”

“Sure. No problem.”

True to his word, my boy walked through the door right at eight on the nose. Then we sat together as we ordered our supplies off the internet. 2.5 pounds of bacon cost me twenty bucks. And I got three sticks of deodorant for twelve dollars. I also purchased twelve bottles of off-brand cola. The entire order came to right around $50.

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  1. Ah another day in paradise!

    1. I enjoy my life. It has it's ups and downs, but so what, right?

  2. It appears everyone everywhere hates white people now. Not a good sign for white people if even the Asians hate us.

  3. Strap that little knob to a rocket and shoot him 20miles north to the land of No White Men. He'll be made king with his views.

    1. I like a good debate. It keeps things interesting.

  4. It's fascinating, how effective the propaganda grid really is.

    In the Bible, Nimrod tried to create a One World Government and religion. God put a stop to it then, because the time was not right. But what we are seeing now is The Tower of Babel 2.0.

    English is the lingua franca of the entire globe now (Before Babel, the entire globe spoke a common tongue). Babylon was the first World Empire (Globalism serves the same function now, uniting the whole world in a commonality of Government-approved, Neo-Cult attitudes and assumpttions).

    There is no doubt at all in my mind that we are watching the prophesies of the Revelation begin to unfold, and that ancieent Babylon is a type and figure of the rising Beast system, just as Joseph becoming the savior of the Children of Israel is a type and figure of Jesus Christ.

    If you are White AND Christian, they intend to kill you. And the whole hypnotized, demon-instructed world will cheer.

  5. Replies
    1. I agree, too. The End Times are approaching very soon.

  6. Hi Park Sung Jetson, do you really have no doubt at all in your mind? Otherwise, your comments are always a pleasure to read.

    1. There's no doubt in my mind, too. We are in the end times. I won't see it, but my children will.

    2. Same here. Almost everyone I know agrees, even secular people. My levelheaded, super normal friend that I’ve known my whole life, says the same thing. It is undeniable, in my view. As horrible as it is with my son, in a way he’s lucky. He will not have to suffer through what is coming here on Earth. And in a way that’s a blessing. He was always too ethereal and angelic for this place anyhow.


    3. Hi, Sunflower. It's great that you're keeping your faith. You've been through a meatgrinder. It takes great strength. God bless.

    4. Thank you, Jack. I am heartbroken but I trust in God’s plan. Honestly, this may sound weird but it could be worse. Imagine if my son was snatched and I never found him? That was always my terror, I had a feeling something terrible would happen to him and I was sure it would be that. We watched him like a hawk because I was utterly convinced someone would steal him, he was born different, ethereal, like a literal angel on this earth and somehow I knew he could not stay. I hoped and prayed I was wrong but unfortunately I wasn’t.

      But at least I have the comfort of knowing he will be in Heaven with Jesus, safe and sound and in no pain or sadness. And my one desire is to be reunited with him one day. So I must be a good person and have faith in the Lord so I can go be with him and Jesus when my time comes. And I must be here to protect my other children, even though I wish I could go with my son. It’s all in the Lord’s hands. I have never known anything more true than that. God decides, not us. And despite my heartbreak I believe Jesus loves us all and we will one day understand his plan. After all, life on earth is short, but eternity is forever. I choose to follow and love the Lord, even though I surely fall short I will keep my faith and keep trying and desiring to be what He wants me to be.

      Sorry for the long reply. I guess we are all doing our best. Thanks for your blog, it’s helping me through this in its own weird way. I read it every day. I’ll pray for you if that’s ok. And of course Rice Boy Larry. Hopefully you’ll update us on what the Dragon Lady is up to if you know. You said she was working in a factory lol. Crazy how she had a loving family and two healthy sons and a decent husband and just didn’t care. I guess it takes all kinds to make a world but I sure don’t understand her one bit. Anyway, God bless you and yours ❤️

    5. Thanks for the kind words, Sunflower. I'm pulling for you.

    6. Thanks Jack. Likewise. We’re all just trying to make it, I suppose ❤️

    7. That's right. We're all just trying to make it. We've got no other choice.
