Friday, June 23, 2023

Extraterrestrial Intelligence


(What if the aliens are actually demons?)

Yesterday, I woke up at 6 a.m. and drank a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty shit. Ten percent of Korean teenagers have been high on painkillers. Of this number, most of them got stoned after being administered fentanyl patches by their physicians. However, some are using the drugs illicitly. On top of that, the youth of the peninsula are drinking more than ever. And who can blame them? School stress permeates this land like a cancer, and a bottle of soju is less than two dollars. But there is some good news to report. Smoking amongst minors has taken a precipitous nosedive. Tobacco seems to be off the menu.

I ate hash browns for breakfast as I surfed the internet. A group of wealthy men commandeered a tiny submarine and dove it under the icy waters of the Atlantic to get a glimpse of the Titanic. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong, and the vessel experienced a catastrophic implosion. I have no what the fuck that means exactly, but it isn’t good. All of the guys were apparently blown to kingdom come. Needless to say, there are no survivors from this accident. People on the internet are making fun of the victims because of their money. Yet I find this distasteful. Plus I don’t hate rich folk. They are doomed to die just like the rest of us.

I drove to work in my ancient SUV. Rice-Boy Larry was in the passenger seat. We struck up a conversation as I sped down the freeway.

I said, “You and your buddies might be the final generation before the return of Christ.”

He shot me the stink eye. “What are you on about now?”

“Just hear me out before you call me crazy. Your generation is going to have the chance to see something both terrifying and glorious at the same time.”

“Christ’s return?”

I nodded. “Well, that’s just the start of it. I think we’re being slowly groomed to accept the notion of extraterrestrial intelligence. When you get older, don’t be surprised if the entire planet is taken over by so-called aliens. I'll probably be dead by then. They will come in peace and offer humanity both bread and circuses. But try not to fall for the bullshit. These are malevolent creatures.”

“Aliens are malevolent? And just how would you know that?”

“The strong always dominate the weak. Besides, I don’t really think these creatures are from another solar system.”

“Then what exactly are they?”

“Demons. And they will usher in a one-world government, and the vast majority of the global population will take the bait with a smile on their faces and a song in their hearts. And why the fuck not? This government will come with free food and nice digs. It’s going to be very hard to say no.”

He chuckled at me derisively. “So the spacemen are actually fallen angels?”

“That’s correct. And it won’t be long until they start wiping out the believers in the one true God. It’s going to be a slaughter.”

Larry sighed heavily. “Please keep this nonsense a secret between us. I don’t want the world to know that my father is a kook.”

I didn’t let his nasty attitude get in the way of my little speech. “I’ll more than likely be dead before the arrival of these wolves in sheep’s clothing. But remember my words of wisdom. Don’t accept their government cheese. Make no mistake. It’s the mark of the beast.”

My son looked at me with pity in his eyes. “Get help, Dad.”

I popped a piece of nicotine gum into my mouth and chewed it like a madman.

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  1. Jack, you can lead the horses to b the water...
    But you can't make them drink....

    Sometimes, slow and steady, full and monotonous win the race in convincing young whippersnapper of the glorious truth of God.

  2. They are already here. They blow up pipelines, arrest journalists, etc. Remember Kanye West? Guy had $6 Billion and they stomped him like a bug.

  3. People forget, or don't understand, that water is pretty heavy. A gallon of water weighs 8 pounds. No big deal at the supermarket or cookout, right? But what if it's 8 million gallons of water?

    At the depth these guys were headed, the PSI is something like 5,000 lbs/ square inch.

    Take a can of Pepsi, the normal one you buy from a vending machine. It will easily support the weight of a magazine placed on top of it. How about two quarters? Sure, no problem. A can of Campbell's Tomato Soup? Yup. You could probably balance a concrete block on top and, if you worked slowly, it could handle it.

    But what if you shrank a 1989 Toyota Prelude SI into the size of a can of Pepsi, and placed THAT on top?

    That's what it means when they talk about a 'catastrophic implosion'. The hull must keep water on the outside, sure, but it must also withstand enormous pressure generated by all the weight of the water. And the deeper you go the more water, and therefore weight, is pressing down on you.

    These guys were smashed pancake flat in a tenth of a second. They never even had time to be scared. It was actually the most merciful end; losing power and sinking to the bottom to asphyxiate in the freezing dark would have taken DAYS and is simply horrific to even think about.

    I figured as soon as I read the story they were dead. Even if they DID lose power and were sitting in their tin can, there was no way to rescue them. The Titan didn't even have connection points to attach slings or chains.

    I won't bore you with a list, but there were many, many reasons I would NEVER have gotten into that thing. Even if everything else seemed legit you're not BOLTING me into an oceans going vessel. Not for a billion dollars, cash.

    Your son scoffs now, Jack, but he will remember and heed once these things begin coming to pass. And your demobs/aliens thing seems entirely plausible to me.

    1. My heart goes out to the victims. I don't hate rich people. They get squashed like pancakes just like the rest of us.

    2. To be clear, I don't hate rich people either. If anything I said came across as animosity or spite for the dead it was not my intention to convey any.

      (The following is me musing about this thing and is not directed at you personally, Jack).

      That said, I get a little tired of these Public Grief Orgies we are socially pressured to engage in. While I don't take any pleasure in the Titan tragedy, and wouldn't wish this fate on other people, they were not 'victims'. Neither were they heroes or explorers or any of the other emotionally charged tags the media are trumpeting in the news.

      They were rich, idle playboys whose vast fortunes allowed them to chase after thrills, and they took ( IMO) an EXCEEDINGLY foolish risk and paid the ultimate price for it. Why must I be moved and teary? Why must people make a big public statement letting everyone else know that they are appropriately sorrowful about strangers they never met?

      I couldn't have died in this way, because I have to work to pay my bills. I don't have the time or the resources to go galivanting over the globe seeking adrenaline rushes. I couldn't even come up with the $250 K ticket price. Why must I be sad because people with way more money than good sense gambled with their lives for absolutely no good reason, and lost? Seriously, why should I care? I didn't know them, and they CERTAINLY would not have been interested in knowing a peasant like me.

      Every day in the USA, an average of 100 people are killed in car crashes. The Titan imploded one week ago; ergo, 700 people died this week in vehicle accidents since these 5 wealthy men died.

      Can you name even one of them?

      Are the 700 any less dead because they perished in a mini van and not a submersible?

      For myself, any black humor attached to my attitude regarding the latest Big Thing arises from my total exhaustion with these emotionally manipulative passion plays staged by cynical, manipulative media jackals who think they can morally bully me to go along with their program, and NOT from envy or malice or callous disregard for human life.

      Fuck off, media!
